"Oh Shi Heart"                                                                                     Sterling Silver Cast Pendant               Tufa stone cast Heart pin                                                                                       These pieces of jewelry are available at Dineh & Co. on the Santa Fe Plaza in the Paso de Luz shopping center, Santa Fe-New Mexico.                                                           

 With a background as a National Park Ranger at Chaco Culture National Historical Park and a clerk at Hubbell Trading Post National Historical Site, Lyle was exposed to a diversity of prehistoric, historical and contemporary art. Early in life he was aware of his parents and grandparents' creative talents, which triggered his own interest in art. Throughout his life he has always done art or was being creative, but it was not until the early nighties that he become a full-time artist with silversmithing his main medium and income. Lyle's Hogan-home is located in the Chaco Basin of North Western New Mexico where he gets some of his design inspiration from prehistoric Chacoan rock art.   Lyle was exposed to silversmithing at an early age by his stepfathers and learned special techniques from experienced smiths.  While working as a park ranger he provided illustrations for public brochures and pamphlets. Lyle has won awards for silversmithing and participated in a student exchange program with Ecole de Beaux Arts in Grenoble, France. In 1993, he and four other Navajo students traveled to France as part of this unique art exchange. His work is available in New Mexico, Arizona, California and Internationally. 

Lyle served as the American contact and co-curator of Indigenous Brilliance, an exhibition that toured five countries from 2012 to 2015. Lyle began studying for an art degree, but a career with the National Park Service distracted him. 


                                                                           "Pueblo Pintado Canyon "                               3" x 5"                                                                2023                                                           mini watercolor                                                                                

"Men Working"

11" x 17"
collage on canvas

I am inspired by prehistoric Anasazi, historic Navajo and contemporary cultural symbolism. The symbolism dances in my silver work. My drawings and collages interpret the world through my experiences, relationships and beliefs. When you wear my jewelry and enjoy my artwork on your walls you will see my soul as it relates to you. If you have a special request let me know and we will design and create a unique piece especially for you.

LTY Design Show Schedule

          Placitas Holiday Show                   November 23 & 24, 2024               Placitas Presbyterian Church,        Placitas Village, New Mexico

      LTY Design STORE           is now open!  

     click menu(LTYDesign STORE)                 button below        

 Gallery of 


click boxes for detail image

Gallery of original artwork by Lyle T.

     Gallery of LTY Design       Postcard Collages